- AbbreviatedTitle - Abbreviated title
- AccessionNumber - Accession number
- AccessPolicy - Access policy
- AcquisitionSource - Acquisition source
- AddedTitlePageTitle - Added title page title
- AdministrativeAction - Administrative action
- AdministrativeNotice - Message
- AdminMetadata - Administrative metadata
- Affiliation - Affiliation
- Agent - Agent
- Aggregate - Aggregate
- Ambiguity - Ambiguity
- Ansi - ANSI number
- AppliedMaterial - Applied material
- Archival - Archival controlled
- AspectRatio - Aspect ratio
- Audio - Audio
- AudioIssueNumber - Audio issue number
- AudioTake - Audio recording take
- Barcode - Barcode
- BaseMaterial - Base material
- BibliographicAgent - Agent
- Bibliography - Bibliography
- Binding - Binding method
- Bitstream - Bitstream
- BookFormat - Book format
- BroadcastCapture - Capture of broadcast content
- BroadcastStandard - Broadcast standard
- CacheRecord - Cache record
- CaptionTitle - Caption title
- Capture - Capture of content
- CaptureStorage - Capture and Storage Technique
- CarrierType - Carrier type
- Cartographic - Cartographic information
- CartographicDataType - Digital cartographic data type
- CartographicObjectCount - Digital cartographic object count
- CartographicObjectType - Digital cartographic object type
- Cartography - Cartography
- ChangeCategory - Change Category
- ChangeNote - Change note
- ChangeNotice - Change notice
- ChangeSet
- Checksum - Checksum
- Class - Class
- Classification - Classification entity
- ClassificationDdc - DDC Classification
- ClassificationLcc - LCC Classification
- ClassificationNlm - NLM classification
- ClassificationScheme - Classification scheme
- ClassificationUdc - UDC Classification
- Collection - Collection
- CollectionArrangement - Organization of materials information
- CollectiveTitle - Collective title
- ColorContent - Color content
- ComplexSubject - Complex Subject
- ComponentPart - Component Part
- Concept - Concept
- ConceptCollection - Concept Collection
- ConceptScheme - Concept scheme
- Container
- ContentAccessibility - Content accessibility information
- ContentType - Content type
- Continuing - Continuing
- Contribution - Contribution
- Copyright - Copyright
- CopyrightNumber - Copyright-legal deposit number
- CopyrightRegistration - Copyright registration
- Country - Country
- CoverArt - Cover art
- CoverTitle - Cover title
- CreateNote - Create note
- Creation - Creation
- Danacode - Danacode
- DataCatalog - Data catalog
- Dataset - Dataset
- Datatype - Data type
- DatatypeProperty - Data type property
- DescriptionAuthentication - Metadata authentication
- DescriptionConventions - Description conventions
- DescriptionLevel - Description level
- DigitalCharacteristic - Digital characteristic
- DigitalReproduction - Digital reproduction
- Dimensions - Dimensions
- DirectContainer
- DiscoveryCapture - Capture of discovery of content
- Dissertation - Dissertation information
- DissertationIdentifier - Dissertation Identifier
- Distribution - Distributor
- Document - Document
- Duration - Duration
- Electronic - Electronic
- Embodiment - Embodiment
- Emulsion - Emulsion
- EncodedBitrate - Encoded bitrate
- EncodingFormat - Encoding format
- EncodingLevel - Encoding level
- Endeavour - Endeavour
- Ensemble - Ensemble
- EntityContainer
- Event - Event entity
- Extent - Extent
- Family - Family
- FieldOfActivity - Field of Activity
- File - File
- FilePackage - File package
- FileSize - File size
- FileType - File type
- Fingerprint - Fingerprint identifier
- FontSize - Font size
- FormerTitle - Former title
- Frequency - Frequency
- FrequencyPeriod - Frequency Period
- FunctionalProperty - Functional property
- Generation - Generation
- GenerationProcess - Generation process
- GenreForm - Genre/form
- GenreFormScheme - Genre/Form scheme
- GenreSubdivision - Genre subdivision
- Geographic - Geographic
- GeographicCoverage - Geographic coverage
- GeographicSubdivision - Underindelning för geografisk term
- Globe - Globe
- GrooveCharacteristic - Groove characteristic
- GTIN14 - GTIN-14
- Hdl - Handle
- Hub - Hub
- Identifier - Identifier
- Identity - Identity
- Illustration - Illustrative content
- ImageBitDepth - Image bit depth
- ImageObject - Image object
- ImmediateAcquisition - Immediate acquisition
- IndirectContainer
- InquiryAction - Inquiry
- Instance - Instance
- Integrating - Integrating resource, Integrating
- IntendedAudience - Intended audience information
- IssuanceType - Mode of issuance
- Item - Item
- ItemAvailability - Availability
- Jurisdiction - Jurisdiction
- KeyTitle - Key title
- Kit - Kit
- Language - Language entity
- LanguageForm - Language form
- LanguagePeriod - language period
- LanguageTransformRules - Language transform rules
- Layout - Layout
- LcOverseasAcq - LC acquisition program
- Library - Library
- LibrisIIINumber - LIBRISIII-number
- License - License
- Local - Local identifier
- MachineModel - Model
- Manufacture - Manufacturer
- Manuscript - Manuscript
- ManuscriptCartography - Manuscript Cartography
- ManuscriptNotatedMusic - Manuscript Notated Music
- ManuscriptText - Manuscript Text
- Map - Map
- Material - Material
- MatrixNumber - Audio matrix number
- MediaObject - Media object
- MediaType - Media type
- Meeting - Meeting
- MetadataLicensor - Metadata licensor
- Microform - Microform
- MixedMaterial - Mixed material
- Modification - Modification
- Monograph - Monograph
- Mount - Mount
- MovementNotation - Movement notation
- MovingImage - Moving image
- Multimedia - Software or multimedia
- Multipart - Multipart
- Music - Music
- MusicAudio - Music audio
- MusicDistributorNumber - Music distributor number
- MusicEnsemble - Music ensemble
- MusicFormat - Notated music format
- MusicInstrument - Musical instrument
- MusicMedium - Music medium information
- MusicNotation - Music notation
- MusicPlate - Music plate number
- MusicPublisherNumber - Music publisher number
- MusicVoice - Music voice
- Nationality - Nationality
- NonMusicAudio - Non-music audio
- NotatedMovement - Notated movement
- NotatedMusic - Notated music
- Notation - Notation
- Note - Note
- NumberingOfSerials - Numbering of serials
- Object - Three-dimensional object
- ObjectCount - Digital cartographic object count
- ObjectProperty - Object property
- Observation
- Occupation - Occupation
- Ontology - Ontology
- OperatingSystem - Operating system
- Organization - Organization
- ParallelTitle - Parallel title proper
- Part - Part
- PartialCollectionView
- PartitiveRelationship - Partitive relationship
- Person - Person
- Place - Place
- PlaceholderRecord - Placeholder record
- PlaybackChannels - Configuration of playback channels
- PlaybackCharacteristic - Special playback characteristics
- PlayingSpeed - Playing speed
- Polarity - Polarity
- PoliticalTendency - political tendency
- PoliticalTendencyPeriod - political tendency period
- PostalRegistration - Postal registration number
- PresentationFormat - Presentation format
- PrimaryBulkProduction - Primary bulk production
- PrimaryContribution - Primary contribution
- PrimaryProduction - Primary production
- PrimaryProvisionActivity - Primary provision activity
- PrimaryPublication - Primary publication
- Print - Printed
- Production - Producer
- ProductionMethod - Production method
- ProgrammingLanguage - Programming language
- Projection - Projection
- ProjectionCharacteristic - Projection characteristic
- ProjectionSpeed - Projection speed
- ProvisionActivity - Provider entity
- Publication - Publisher
- PublisherNumber - Publisher number
- QualifiedRole - Qualified role
- Record - Record
- RecordingCapture - Capture of recording content
- RecordingMedium - Recording medium
- RecordingMethod - Type of recording
- ReductionRatio - Reduction ratio
- RegionalEncoding - Regional encoding
- Relation - Relation
- Relationship - Relationship
- Relief - Relief
- ReportNumber - Technical report number
- Representation - Representation
- Reproduction - Reproduction
- Resolution - Resolution
- Resource - Resource
- ResourceView
- RetentionPolicy - Retention policy
- Review - Review
- Role - Role
- RunningTitle - Running title
- Scale - Scale
- Script - Script, Language script
- SearchMapping
- SearchTemplate
- Serial - Serial
- SerialComponentPart - Serial Component Part
- SerialEdition - Serial Edition
- Series - Series
- SeriesMembership - Series membership
- ShelfMark - Shelf location
- ShelfMarkSequence - Shelf label sequence
- ShelfMarkStatusType
- SingleItem - Single item
- Slice
- SMDBNumber
- SoundCharacteristic - Sound characteristic
- SoundContent - Sound content
- SoundRecording - Sound Recording
- Source - Source
- SourceData - Source data
- SourceDataNotFound - Source data not found
- SpineTitle - Spine title
- Statistics
- Status - Status
- StillImage - Still image
- StillImageInstance - Still Image Instance
- StockNumber - Stock number
- StructuredProperty - Structured property
- StructuredValue - Structured value
- StudyNumber - Study number
- SubCollection - Subcollection
- Subdivision - Underindelning
- Subject - Subject
- SubjectStatement
- Summary - Summary
- SupplementaryContent - Supplementary material
- SymmetricProperty - Symmetric property
- SystemNumber - System Number
- SystemRecord - System record
- SystemRequirement - System Requirement
- TableOfContents - Table of contents
- Tactile - Tactile material
- TactileNotation - Tactile notation
- TapeConfig - Tape configuration
- TechnicalNote - Technical note
- Temporal - Temporal concept
- TemporalCoverage - temporal coverage
- TemporalEntity - Temporal entity
- TemporalQualification - Temporal qualification
- TemporalSubdivision - Underindelning för kronologisk term
- TermCollection - Term Collection
- Text - Text
- Title - Title entity
- TitlePart - Title part
- TitlePortion - Title portion
- ToCEntry - Table of contents entry
- Topic - Topic
- TopicScheme - Topic scheme
- TopicSubdivision - Topic Subdivision
- TrackConfig - Track configuration
- TransformedLanguageForm - Transformed language form
- TransitiveProperty - Transitive property
- TranslatedTitle - Translated title
- TransliteratedTitle - Transliterated title
- TypeOfFamily - Type of family
- Unit - Unit
- UsageAndAccessPolicy - Use and access conditions
- UsePolicy - Use policy
- VariantTitle - Title variation
- VideoCharacteristic - Video characteristic
- VideoFormat - Video format
- VideoRecording - Video Recording
- VideoRecordingNumber - Video recording number
- Visual - Visual
- WikidataID
- Work - Work
- WorkHub - Work Hub
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